Last 6 months roundup

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For Muraspec, 2014 has been a year full of changes, with lots of new designs which went into our collection of wallcoverings, new fabrics, product launches, exhibitions, events…


In case you missed any of it, here’s our roundup of what’s happened in Muraspec in the last few months:


For us, the most exciting event of 2014 was the launch of our Showroom in London, a place for designers and architects to see and feel our products first hand. We share the showroom with our residential sister brand Fardis.


(Hotelier and Hotel, September 2014)


In October, we launched our new Dementia-friendly selection of wallcoverings, which we displayed at the Care Show with a fabulous response.

This selection of wallcoverings was agreed in collaboration with the DSDC (Dementia Services Development Centre) at the University of Stirling on the basis of existing knowledge and research. Find out more about our Dementia-friendly wallcoverings here.


The Carer

(The Carer, autumn issue 2014)


At the Care Show we also had the opportunity to show our recently-launched Coated Fabrics for first time. Find out more about them here.


 Building Better Healthcare

(Building Better Healthcare, 4 December 2014)


Rounding up the year we exhibited at the Sleep Event, where we launched our latest 20oz wallcovering collection, Elan.

Elan is a series of nine designs inspired by natural textures in a contemporary palette of soft greys, heathers and neutrals



(Onoffice Magazine, November 2014)


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