Bbrown glitter in Garsons Christmas display

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If you live in Surrey or Hampshire, you must have seen the fantastic Christmas displays at Garsons garden centres.


They’ve been voted the best Christmas garden centre in the South Thames region by the Garden Centre Association for their Christmas displays, decoration and gifts.


 Garsons Christmas display


And we’ve spotted some bbrown glitter! (They obvious choice for an award-winning display in our eyes). They’ve used three different colours of glitter from bbrown display materials to reach the festive Christmassy look they were looking for.


Garsons Christmas display


Garsons Christmas display


 Garsons Christmas display


We think the centre has created the perfect place for people to go and buy Christmas trees and decorations while they enjoy a family day out surrounded by a beautiful Christmassy environment.


What’s more, to make the festive season even more magical, they even have a real reindeer!


Garsons Christmas display


You can find out more about bbrown glitter here.


You can find out more about Garsons here




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