A pop-up bar with a cosy grotto interior

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A unique pop-up bar in a Japanese gallery uses crumpled paper for a cosy grotto effect.


The Yorunoma bar was crafted by Naoya Matsumoto Design, who encouraged local people to participate in the construction by scrunching sheets of translucent tracing paper and sticking them to the surfaces.


A pop-up bar with a cosy grotto interior


The three-dimensional walls and ceiling invite visitors to interact with them, while the dim lighting throws relief on the luxurious texture, giving it a touch of drama. The atmospheric lighting is provided by backlights behind the paper and a few bare bulbs suspended from the ceiling, a simple but effective touch.


A pop-up bar with a cosy grotto interior


The exposed wooden furniture conforms to this sense of simplicity, with straight lines parallel and perpendicular to the neat square space. The table is topped by a brick of slate completed with a touch of white writing and neatly arranged bottles.


A pop-up bar with a cosy grotto interior


The smooth concrete floor provides an ‘in construction’ feel, which actually complements the warmth and character of the bar.


See the bar in more detail here.


If you are looking for three dimensional walls, have a look at our Impressions.



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