Suite Novotel’s colourful reception

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Suite Novotel in The Hague has been given a colourful, homely interior designed to welcome guests into a relaxing reception area.


Suite Novotel’s colourful reception


Designed by French design studio Constance Guisset, the interior design mixes select pieces and feature lighting for a contemporary look that just balances minimalism and snugness for a ‘home from home’ feel.


Built-in fixtures and furniture are made from pale wood, with clean lines providing an understated base for the bursts of colour scattered around the space, which also contrast with soft, round curves. The low seat reminiscent of a colour wheel is a particular standout feature, complementing the surrounding furniture, which boasts a range of ocean blues and pebble greys – colours which are ideal  for promoting  an airy sense of relaxation and tranquillity.


Suite Novotel’s colourful reception


These freestanding pieces provide a sense of flexibility and informality, inviting guests to interact with the unusual furniture; however, all this interest is balanced by the attention-drawing features on the walls and ceilings. These include a stunning variety of feature lighting and a colourful canvas just brushing against the ceiling.


Suite Novotel’s colourful reception


The studio said: “We intentionally didn’t use luxurious elements but pieces of furniture that you might also find at home, and authentic and cosy material you can find in your everyday life”.


Take a closer look at the relaxing hotel here.



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